Sisters Love

March 8, 2025 by Edgar Espinosa 

“You have to join us next time for our Bible study!” urged Estelita to Julita, her sister.

Julita is 72 years old and an active member of the “New Believers Christian Church,” but she still has all the enthusiasm and energy for learning and studying the Gospel. Estelita is 61 years old. Both have lived in their village of Cabigaan for many years and were baptized last February 10, 2025, when the Adventist Church was built.

One afternoon Seventh-Day Adventist missionaries were visiting Cabigaan and met Estelita.  They earnestly invited Estelita for a bible study.  She didn’t want to go, but knowing her sister’s enthusiasm for the Bible, she told the missionaries about her sister Julita and told them how to get to her house though the village.

The next day, the missionaries found Julita sitting in her house, and invited her for a short bible study. She replied “yes”.  She enjoyed every minute of the study and expressed a blissful face, while internalizing the newly received truths from the Bible.

Studying the Holy Spirit’s role in salvation, the Law, and the message of Sabbath rest made a significant impact on Julita. After a few series of Bible studies the  missionaries invited her to experience worshipping on Sabbath with the brethren in the local church. They wanted to make the Sabbath real for her.

She readily accepted the invitation and wholeheartedly waited for the coming Sabbath.

On the Sabbath day, she found herself welcomed by the brethren. When she entered the church she noticed some familiar faces from her village and they smilingly greeted her with “Happy Sabbath”.

Her first sabbath made a deep impression on Julita and she since then goes to Church on the Sabbath.

The Holy Spirit moved through Estelita in the same way that  Andrew was moved to invite Peter into the service of Jesus. “These examples teach us the importance of personal effort, of making direct appeals to our kindred, friends and neighbors.” ChS 118.1

One time, during house visitations, the missionaries knocked on Julita’s door to pay her a visit.  “Are you home Julita?”.  The missionaries heard a feebled voice answering  “Yes I am, I’m for not receiving you well today, I feel faint and weak because of the flu and diarrhea.”

Immediately the missionaries entered her house and checked on her condition. They found her very weak.  They asked her if she had had anything to eat.

“No, I have not eaten since yesterday, my energy was sapped and I am too weak to light a fire and cook, and besides I am out of rice to cook.”

Right away the missionaries lit a fire, took the pot, bought rice and made porridge. Rice and vegetable porridges are easy to digest and quick to absorb yet high in nutritional value. Because porridge is essentially 60 percent water, it was naturally helpful in reinvigorating Julita.

The efforts of the local missionaries whether Life Saving or Soul Saving brings glory to God only.

“One of the most effective ways in which light can be communicated is by private personal effort. In the home circle, at your neighbor’s fireside at the bedside of the sick,… Thus you may sow precious seeds that will spring up and bring forth fruit.” ChS 118.3

We ask for your help in praying for Julita and her decision to accept the Baptism to seal her faith in Jesus. Please also pray for her daily walk with God which which Satan will try and attack.

Your helpful acts are surely making waves across the Pacific, whether in financial donations or Prayers. We continue to ask for your support so that people like Julita can be reached.

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